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Meester, Do You Vant To Buy A Duck?
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Meester, do you vant to buy a duck?
A duck went into a drugstore to buy some condoms. Druggist said
You want me to put that on your bill?" Duck said...
Do you know what the national bird of Iraq is? - "Duck!
Q: How do you know a polack is at a cock fight? A
He brings the duck. Q: How do you know an irishman is at a cock fight?...
Q: How do you get down from an elephant? A: You don't, you get down from a duck.
Two canadians decide to go duck hunting so they get up early one morning, and go off to the swamps with their red hats, duck calls, and their trusty hunting dog.
Even with all conditions favorable for a good day, by day's end they headed home without a single duck!...
A duck walks into a pharmacy waddles up to the prescription counter and rings the bell.
The pharmacist walks up and asks, "Can I help you?...
A circus owner walked into a bar to see everyone crowded about a table watching a little show.
On the table was an upside down pot and a duck tap dancing on it....
A hunter from out East was stalking ducks near Texarcanna, where three states join.
He spies a duck, shoots it and is about to pick it up when he hears a voice....
Dirty Ernie got a duck for his birthday. He took it for walks every day and enjoyed having a pet.
One day, Sleezy Suzy saw him walking the duck, and said, "Hey, I like your duck....