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I Bet It Was Pretty Hard To Pick Up Girls If You Had The Black Death.
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I bet it was pretty hard to pick up girls if you had the Black Death.
-- Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey
I bet the sparrow looks at the parrot and thinks, yes, you can talk, but LISTEN TO YOURSELF!
-- Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey...
I bet it's hard to break farmers of the old superstitions like "Tornado got Old Yeller, stay in the cellar.
-- Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey...
If there was a big gardening convention, and you got up and gave a speech in favor of fast-motion gardening, I bet you would get booed right off the stage.
They're just not ready. -- Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey...
If you were a gladiator in olden days, I bet the inefficiency of how the gladiator fights were organized and scheduled would just drive you up a wall.
-- Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey...
I hope in the future Americans are thought of as a warlike, vicious people, because I bet a lot of high schools would pick "Americans" as their mascot.
-- Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey...
If you're a young Mafia gangster out on your first date, I bet it's really embarrassing if someone tries to kill you.
-- Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey...
I bet one legend that keeps recurring throughout history, in every culture, is the story of Popeye.
-- Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey...
I bet when the neanderthal kids would make a snowman, someone would always end up saying, "Don't forget the thick, heavy brows.
Then they would all get embarrassed because they remembered they had the big hunky brows too, and they'd get mad and eat the snowman....
I wish I had a kryptonite cross, because then you could keep both Dracula AND Superman away.
-- Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey...