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In Times Of Trouble, Go With What You Know." -- Homer In "Moaning Lisa", From The Simpso
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"In times of trouble, go with what you know."
-- Homer in "Moaning Lisa", from The Simpsons
Go ahead and play the blues if it'll make you happy.
-- Homer in "Moaning Lisa", from The Simpso...
Bart: Gee Homer, it looks like you've got yourself a real problem on your hands.
Homer: Your right... Uhh... Bart! Vacuum this floor!...
I have feelings too - like "My stomach hurts" or "I'm going crazy!
-- Homer to Lisa in "Moaning Lisa", from The Simpso...
Marge: "Bart, you love your sister, don't you?" Ba
Don't make me say it. I know the answer. You know the answer....
Lisa: Sorry Dad, I know you mean well. [kisses him] Home
Thanks for knowing I mean well. -- "Moaning Lisa...
Stay away from that jazz man, Lisa. Nothing personal .
.. I just fear the unfamiliar." -- Marge in "Moaning Lisa", from The Simpso...
Marge: They sent a note from school. Homer: [to Bart] What did you do this time you little hoodlum?
Bart: I didn't do it, no one saw me do it, there's no way you can prove anything!...
Homer: Lisa! What did I tell you about playing that saxamuhthing in the house?
Lisa: I was just playing the blues... Dad. [sobs] Home...
Cowardly little runt. When I get a hold of you I'm going to gut you like a fish and drink your blood.
"I'm gonna rip out your heart and drink your blood!...