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It's Better Not To Date Anyone Than To Date Someone Who Treats You Like A Pair Of Slippers.
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It's better not to date anyone than to date someone who treats you like a
pair of slippers.
-- little 'e'
Skinner: I'll tell you something that's not so funny.
Right now, Superintendant Chalmers is at home crying like a little girl....
Consultant: Someone who knowns 101 ways to make love, but can't get a date.
LUSER: Someone who picks up a female hitch-hiker walking home from a date.
Quote #223 [alt.usage.english, Date: 13 Aug 1994 14
59:08 MET] It seems to be impossible to parody PC....
I told someone I was getting married, and they said, "Have you picked a date yet?
I said, "Wow, you can bring a date to your own wedding?" What a country! -- Yakov Smirnoff...
It is better to vote for someone you like and have them not elected than to vote for someone you dislike and have them elected.
Chandler: Yes, but this is Pete. Okay? He_s not like other people, on your first date he took you to Rome.
For most guys that_s like a third or fourth date kinda thing....
What happened to you? You look like either you were hit by a fast truck or had a hot date with Roseanne!
What do you call a man who expects to have sex on the second date? Slow.