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My Dad's Pants Kept Creeping Up On Him. By 65 He Was Just A Pair Of Pants And A Head.
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My dad's pants kept creeping up on him. By 65 he was just a pair of pants
and a head.
-- Jeff Altman
NO, I'm not a Kennedy. My pants just fell down!
My pants just went to high school in the Carlsbad Caverns!!! -- Zippy the Pinhead
The teacher told the young student to put on a new pair of underwear pants each day, and the kid did.
At the end of two weeks, he could no longer get his ordinary pants on!...
Careful, men. He wets his pants. -- Smithers' instructions to security, "Stark Raving Dad
When I was growing up my mother kept telling me we're just friends.
I tell ya I was an ugly kid. I was so ugly that my Dad kept the kid's picture that came with the wallet he bought....
Marge: Here he is: Rex Harrison and Paul Anka rolled into one.
Ooh, hmm. That tonic really works -- you and Grampa should bottle it and go into business together....
An 18-year-old boy, if he's properly formed, is ruled by the cruise missile in his pants.
The taut heartstrings and the fanciful talk -- they're all just formalities to getting laid...
Bart enumerates all the features of his "Tactical Pants-Retaining System
compass, matches, whistle, saw, panic button, squirrel snare, radon/lie detector, sphygmomanometer and cute turn signals....
That's not my stomach, my stomach is this basketball shaped thing that holds my pants up.
-- Doodle, American Eagle in Roger Ramje...