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One Of The First Things You Learn When The Kids Start To Use The Car Is How Far You Can Drive When The Gas Guage Stands On Empty.
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One of the first things you learn when the kids start to use the car is how
far you can drive when the gas guage stands on empty.
Grandpa Charnock's Law: You never really learn to swear until you learn to drive.
[I thought it was when your kids learned to drive. Ed.]...
BASIC -- A second-hand Rambler with a rebuilt engine and patched upholstery.
Your dad bought it for you to learn to drive. You'll ditch the car as soon as you can afford a new one....
See, Marge, who needs a car-wash when you can just drive around in the rain?
-- Homer, "Treehouse of Horror VII...
Aberdeen was so small that when the family with the car went on vacation, the gas station and drive-in theatre had to close.
You are getting old if you can remember when Ethyl gas cost more because lead was added to the gas.
Now, leaded gas costs less than regular gas. It is enough to make you fume!...
One of the times when silence annoys is when the car engine won't start.
You can tell how far we have to go, when FORTRAN is the language of supercomputers.
-- Steven Feine...