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The Plant Indignantly Shakes The Oil Off Its Leaves And Asks, "Water?
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The plant indignantly shakes the oil off its leaves and asks, "Water?"
Have you ever seen a plant with its leaves curled up?
Have you watered it and watched its leaves spread out again?...
Where oil and water DO mix, dammit!
The following appeared in a Brenton newspaper. "The Brenton power plant draws water from Scott's River for its cooling system and releases the warmed water back into the river.
The town council recommends that the plant install a more efficient cooling system that uses less water, claiming it will be more environmentally sound....
Everything is flowing -- going somewhere, animals and so- called lifeless rocks as well as water.
Thus the snow flows fast or slow in grand beauty-making glaciers and avalanche...
Homer: [breaks down in tears] Of all the rip-off, screw job, chip joint.
.. [gets up] Forget you pal... [sobbing] thanks for nothing....
Love takes up where knowledge leaves off. Thomas Aquina
Every time a woman leaves off something she looks better, but every time a man leaves off something he looks worse.
-- Will Roge...
A business with an income at its heels Furnishes always oil for its own wheels.
-- William Cowper (1731-1800) -- Retirement, Line 614...
Britt's Green Thumb Postulate: The life expectancy of a house plant varies inversely with its price and directly with its ugliness.