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The Reason There Are Two Senators For Each State Is So That One Can Be The Designated Driver.
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The reason there are two senators for each state is so that one can be
the designated driver.
-- Jay Leno
It is Texas law that when two trains meet each other at a railroad crossing, each shall come to a full stop, and neither shall proceed until the other has gone.
In one of those "true facts" books there was an explanation for this law....
Seminars for Men: You too can be the designated driver.
They're filming Rocky V now. This one's being billed as `Rocky's Greatest Challenge', so I guess there's an IQ test involved.
-- Jay Leno...
Guest hosting for Jay Leno tonight is you.
I looked up the word "politics" in the dictionary and it's actually a combination of two word
poli," which means many, and "tics," which means bloodsuckers. -- Jay Leno...
Remember:The designated driver makes good CENTS!!
For some reason the little Senators make us laugh.
If you move the TV any closer to the bed I'll be sleeping with Jay Leno!
Here's an amazing story. A man in Orlando, Florida, was hit by eight cars in a row and only one stopped.
The first seven drivers thought he was a lawyer. The eighth was a lawyer. -- Jay Leno...