A be very humble to someone else, in the vain hope that they will
grant you a wish. Worship may involve icons, idols, sacrifices,
large cheques sent to the Bahamas, prayer, and drinking Kool-aid.
One of the more unusual practices of worship took place amongst
the Pangoylegoatsoup Sect of the early 1920s. These were a bunch of
people so frightened of the imminent rise of the Anti-Christ,
Byllierae Sirus, that they ritually set fire to their own hair, and
chased shaven goats through the streets. Some dismissed them as
loonies, but who's laughing now, eh?!?
An electronic device designed to make you rip your hair out. The
principles of a computer are very simple. You give the computer
some data as input, it messes, mixes, scrambles and screws up the
data until it is nonsensical and unrecognisable, and then it spits
it out the other end as output....
The first of three major meals of the day breakfast for the
average person will normally consist of a small to average amount
of food, such as a medium serving of artichoke, followed by three
slices of cow pie and orange juice, two boxes of Corn Flakes,
ninety-seven unpeeled bananas, fifteen rashers of bacon, nineteen
eggs, toast, and a sesame-seed bun....