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You Know What Would Be The Most Terrifying Thing That Could Ever Happen To A Flea?
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You know what would be the most terrifying thing that could ever happen to a
flea? Getting caught inside a watch somehow. You don't even care, do you.
-- Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey
If you were a pirate, you know what would be the one thing that would really make you mad?
Treasure chests with no handles. How the hell are you supposed to carry it?...
You know what would make a good story? Something about a clown who makes people happy, but inside he's real sad.
Also, he has severe diarrhea. -- Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey...
There should be a detective show called "Johnny Monkey
because every week you could have a guy say "I ain't gonna get caught by no MONKEY," but then he would, and I don't think I'd ever get tired of that....
If you ever crawl inside an old hollow log and go to sleep
and while you're in there some guys come and seal up both ends and then put it on a truck and take it to another city, boy, I don't know what to tell you....
If I come back as a horsefly, I think my favorite thing would be to land on someone's lip.
Even if they smash you, ick!, you're all over their lip! -- Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey...
You know what's probably a good thing to hang on your porch in the summertime, to keep mosquitoes away from you and your guests?
Just a big bag of blood. -- Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey...
When you go in for a job interview, I think a good thing to ask is if they ever press charges.
-- Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey...
Do you know what happens when you slice a golf ball in half?
Someone gets mad at you. I found this out the hard way. -- Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey...
People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly.
But they forget the negative side, which is the preening. -- Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey...