Competition Is Now Recognised As The Lynch-pin Of Free Trade, The
Brake-pad Of Democracy, And The Small Plastic Novelty Egg Of The
Consumer Society.
Competition is now recognised as the lynch-pin of free trade, the
brake-pad of democracy, and the small plastic novelty egg of the
consumer society. It is also an excellent method of breaking up
monopolies, with subsequent improvements in consumer choice and
customer service. The beginnings of this were hatched in ancient
Rome, when one of the Caesars decided to allow a private plumbing
company, Ploptus, to compete with the existing Smellipong aqueduct
provider. Both companies launched massive advertising campaigns,
putting their slogans on chariots and villas, and sponsoring
gladiators, in their battle to be the preferred carrier of the
citizens' crap. Slogans varied from the simple "Piss" of Ploptus,
to the "This Is The Sewer Calling" of Smellipong. After a little
while, the two companies held a "Pooselection" vote for people's
turd disposal. Smellipong retained a large share of its shit, and
generally crapped all over Ploptus.