INHERITANCE If You Are Expecting A Large Inheritance When Your Grandparents Snuff It, Have You Considered Investing It In The Custard Unit Trust?

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If you are expecting a large inheritance when your grandparents
snuff it, have you considered investing it in the Custard Unit
Trust? The Custard Unit Trust has the full endorsement of the
author of Toxic Custard, and has a guaranteed return of 20%(*).
Custard Unit Trust has many and varied investments, but
specialises in putting money into many of the best alcoholic
beverage corporations and gambling establishments of this country.
For a copy of the prospectus entitled "Throw Your Money Our
Way", lodged with the Consumer Affairs Department in August 1993,
ring Freecall 1800-123456.
(*) This means that you are guaranteed
to get 20% of your investment back.
