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Edmund And Kate Wrestle Each Other To The Floor. Their Eyes Meet Searchingly.
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(Edmund and Kate wrestle each other to the floor. Their eyes meet
searchingly. Edmund slowly bends to kiss her...the door opens, and
Baldrick enters.)
Don't worry, Bob. He used to try and kill me, too.
-- Baldrick : Bells
Well, 'Bob', welcome on board. (They gaze at each other for a while.
) ...Sorry, Baldrick, any reason you're still here? -- Edmund : Bell...
Let's practice. Edmund comes in and says, 'Hello Baldrick. haven't seen Percy, have you?', to which you reply....
Alright. Go and get Bob's stuff in...and throw your filthy muck out onto the street.
God bless you, sweet master! -- Edmund and Baldrick : Bell...
It is strangely in keeping with the manner of our courtship that the maid of honour should be a man.
Oh! Thank you very much, my lord. ...And I use the word 'man' in its broadest possible sense....
Unfortunately I already have a servant. The word is.
..that your servant is the worst servant in London....
What do they call you? ...Kate. Isn't that a bit of a girl's name?
...It's short..for..erm...'Bob'. -- Edmund and Kate : Bell...
And they've overthrown Nicolas the Second, who used to be bizarre.
.. Used to be _the_ Tzar, Baldrick... -- Baldrick and Edmund : Major Sta...
ounds of cheers...Baldrick enters the dugout) Sir!
Sir! It's all over the trenches! Well, mop it up, then... -- Baldrick and Edmund : Major Sta...
Bad luck, Ballders. Don't worry, my lord. The arrow didn't in fact enter my body.
By a thousand to one chance, my willy got in the way. -- Edmund and Baldrick : Bell...