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Her Majesty's A Pretty Nice Girl, But She Hasn't Got A Lot To Say.
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Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl, but she hasn't got a lot to say.
You ask what a nice girl will do? She won't give an inch, but she won't say no.
You ask what a nice girl will do? She won't give an inch, but she won't say no.
-- Marcus Valerius Martiali...
Beverly: "Her transcript is *very* impressive. She's done honors work in neurobiology, plasmadynamics, and nicoregeneration.
I'd say that's pretty well-rounded." Rogers: "Well that's a nice way of saying that I haven't decided what I'm going to do with my life....
Take this girl away! She's got paternity suit written all over her! -- Uncle Duke (in Doonesbury)
Yo momma so slutty when she got a new mini skirt, everyone commented on her nice belt!
An old lady sold her house and lot. The house was pretty deteriorated.
"They're going to tear it down and put in a modulator," she said. (she meant a modular house)....
I'm great at love, but I'm lousy at commitment." "Commitment's nice.
You'd like her. She's got heavy legs, but she's a lotta laughs....
She's got her lugnuts rattling in her hubcaps.
On the night before her family moved from Kansas to California, the little girl knelt by her bed to say her prayers.
God bless Mommy and Daddy and Keith and Kim," she said....