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Burns: Well, If It Isn't My Good Friends, The, Er -- Smithe
Fortune Cookies
The Simpsons
Burns: Well, if it isn't my good friends, the, er --
Smithers: Simpson family, master.
Burns: Simpson, eh? Excellent.
-- The running gag continueth, "Treehouse of Horror IV"
Smithers: That's Homer Simpson. He wasn't exactly a model employee.
Burns: Well, who
a model [sees Smithers sans skull, just brain] employee....
Burns: Who was that young hellcat, Smithers? Smithe
Homer Simpson, sir. Burns: Simpson, eh? I'll remember that name....
Burns: Hmm...who's that goat-legged fellow? I like the cut of his jib.
Smithers: Er, Prince of Darkness, sir. He's your eleven o'clock....
Burns: [over the intercom] Welcome, come in. Ah, fresh victims for my ever-growing army of the undead -- Smithe
Sir, you have to let go of that button. Bu...
Homer: Hey Burns! Eat! my! shorts! Burns: Who the Sam Hill was that?
Smithers: Why it's Homer Simpson, sir. One of the schmos from sector 7-G....
Smithers: Er, um, there's some candy right here, Sir.
[points to a box] Why don't we eat this instead of stealing?...
Burns: Who is that bookworm, Smithers? Smithe
Homer Simpson, sir. Burns: Simpson, eh? How very strange....
Burns: [gasps at his sight] Good Lord, Smithers, you look atrocious.
I thought I told you to take a vacation. Home...
Burns: Oh please please, don't fight. Just go out back and have a good time.
[to Smithers] Fire that man Smithers, I don't want him, or his unpleasant family to ruin my picnic....