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Boy Is My Face Red.
Fortune Cookies
The Simpsons
Boy is my face red.
-- Satan after realizing Bart isn't due to arrive yet,
"Bart Gets Hit by a Car"
I'm Bart Simpson, who the hell are you?
-- Bart introduces himself to Satan, "Bart Gets Hit by a Ca...
According to this, you're not due to arrive until the Yankees wins the pennant.
That's nearly a century from now....
Satan: Remember: Lie, cheat, steal, and listen to heavy metal music!
Bart: Yes, sir! -- Some parting advice, "Bart Gets Hit by a Ca...
With all due respect, Mrs. Simpson, you're not a doctor, the boy's not a doctor, the only person who even comes CLOSE is this man [Nick Riviera].
-- Lionel Hutz responding to Marge's skepticism, "Bart Gets Hit by a Ca...
Smithers: I think the boy is hurt. Burns: Oh for crying out loud, just give him a nickel and let's get going.
-- after... "Bart Gets Hit by a Ca...
Bart: Um, say, is there anything I can do to avoid coming back here?
Satan: Oh, sure, yeah. But, eh, you wouldn't like it....
Ah, good ol' trustworthy beer. My love for <you> will never die.
-- Homer's love for Marge is shaken, "Bart Gets Hit by a Ca...
Hey, cool, I'm dead. -- Bart realizes he's dead, "Bart Gets Hit by a Ca
Defenseless child at three o'clock.
-- Smithers spying a helpless Bart in the street, "Bart Gets Hit by a Ca...