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Oh, No, Someone Taped Over The End Of This! -- Dr.
Fortune Cookies
The Simpsons
Oh, no, someone taped over the end of this!
-- Dr. Nick Riviera's poignant observation,
"Homer's Triple Bypass"
Nick: Hi everybody! I'm Dr. Nick Riviera. PA
Doctor Riviera, Doctor Nick Riviera. Please report to the coroner immediately!...
The knee bone's connected to the something, The something is connected to the red thing, The red thing is connected to my wrist watch -- Uh oh.
-- Dr. Nick reminds himself how to do medicine, "Homer's Triple Bypa...
Nick: Hi, everybody! Crowd: Hi, Dr. Nick! Nick: If something should go wrong, let's not get the law involved!
One hand washes the other. Oh, that reminds me!...
Doctor: [on TV] ...and then, you make the incision below the collarbone.
[splurt] Nick: Oh, no. Blood!...
Remember your Hippopotamus oath! -- Homer to Dr. Hibbert, "Homer's Triple Bypa
Nick: Good news! The operation was a complete success!
[the ceiling shines] -- And God smiled, "Homer's Triple Bypa...
Oh, it could be worse. Some dog could do the operation.
-- Homer can't afford a coronary bypass, "Homer's Triple Bypa...
Nick: I'll perform any operation for $129.95! Come in for brain surgery and receive a free Chinese finger trap!
[escorts away a lobotomy patient with hands stuck in said device] All right, Fred....
Oh, no. What if they botch it? I won't have a dad-- for awhile.
-- Bart realizes Homer needs a coronary bypass, "Homer's Triple Bypa...