As Ensigns In The Navy, Bill And Bob Were Assigned To The Detail That Goes To The Parents' House To Break The Sad News, In This Case That A Son Had Been Killed At Sea In A Plane Crash.

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As Ensigns in the Navy, Bill and Bob were assigned to the detail
that goes to the parents' house to break the sad news, in this case
that a son had been killed at sea in a plane crash. Bill was very
uncomfortable with the role, and is barely able to stammer through
these words:
"Mrs. Jones, ah, it's my sad duty to, um, inform you your son was
killed in the service of your country."
She breaks down in tears and moans, "Oh, I'll never be able to look
at him in his coffin."
And Bob says, "Oh, don't worry about that; it's no problem... They
didn't recover his body."
