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133 There Was A Young Fellow Named Bowen Whose Pecker Kept Growin' And Growin'.
Short Jokes
133 There was a young fellow named Bowen
Whose pecker kept growin' and growin'.
It grew so tremendous,
So long and so pendulous,
'Twas no godd for fuckin' -- just showin'.
182 There was a young fellow named Kimble Whose prick was exceedingly nimble, But fragile and slender, And dainty and tender, So he kept it encased in a thimble.
147 There was a young fellow named Cribbs Whose cock was so big it had ribs.
They were inches apart, And to suck it took art, While to fuck it took forty-two trips....
Q: Why are chickens so ugly? A: They have a pecker on their face
There once was a lady named Flo Whose lava had poured out too slow, So they tried it all night, Till they got it just right, Well practice makes pregnant you know.
85 A young lady sat on a quay, Just as propper as propper could be.
A young fellow goosed her, And roughly seduced her, So she thanked him and went home to tea....
There was a young man of Nantucket Whose prick was so long he could suck it.
He said with a grin, As he wiped off his chin, "If my ear were a cunt I could fuck it....
37 There was a young fellow named Fyfe Whose marriage was ruined for life, For he had an aversion To every perversion And only liked fucking his wife.
134 There was a young lady named Brent With a cunt of enormous extent, And so deep and so wide, The acoustics inside Were so good you could hear when you spent.
157 There was a young fellow whose dong Was prodigiously massive and long.
On each side of his whang Two testes did hang That attracted a curious throng....