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Q: What`s Moist And Pink And Split Right Down The Middle? A: A Grapefruit.
Short Jokes
Miscellaneous Jokes
Q: What`s moist and pink and split right down the middle?
A: A grapefruit.
Q: What is long and pink and drags the ocean floor? A: Moby's dick.
Q: What's pink and red and hangs from the phone line? A: A baby that was hit by a snowblower.
Q: What's worse than a guitar string breaking in the middle of a tune?
A: Having an organ go flat on you in the middle of a piece....
What's pink and hard in the morning? The financial times crossword.
The ark lands after The Flood. Noah lets all the animals out.
Says, "Go and multiply." Several months pass. Noah decides to check up on the animals....
What goes in dry, pink and hard, and comes out wet, pink and soft? Chewing gum.
Jesus, Moses and a very old man are playing golf. At the first hole there was a water puddle aprox 10 ft.
from the hole. The first one to go was Moses. He swung and it was a beautiful shot but it headed right for the water puddle....
What's pink, wrinkled and hangs out your trousers? Your gran.
What's pink, wrinkled, and hangs out your pajamas? -- Your mother.