After Thirty Years Of Marriage, John's Wife Died. Two Years Later He Was Beginning To Adjust And At The Suggestion Of A Friend Decided To Investigate A Local Nudists Camp.

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After thirty years of marriage, John's wife died. Two years
later he was beginning to adjust and at the suggestion of a
friend decided to investigate a local nudists camp.
On his first visit he was walking around the grounds when he
spotted several 20 - 24 year old girls obviously in their
prime. Much to his surprise he soon had a full blown
erection. Some what embarrassed he ducked behind some
bushes. One of the young ladies had noticed his condition
and followed him, and proceeded to alleviate the problem.
Feeling very pleased with himself he continued his stroll and
lit up a cigar. Without realizing it his little walk took
him into the "gay" section. He only realized his mistake
when bent over to pick up the cigar he had dropped, and
one of the gay men nailed him.
This incident so upset him that he sought out the director
and explained the two events and his decision not to return.
The director took some time explaining that there were all
kinds at the camp.
"You don't understand", John replied "I may only get an
erection once or twice a week. But I'm likely to drop my
cigar three or four times a day!"
