A group of people are touring the White House in Washington D.C.
As the tour ends, they are waiting in line to sign the visitors
register. A group of Nuns are in line to sign the book, followed
by a Jewish family with their young son Sheldon. As they near the
visitors registry, young Sheldon loses patience and runs ahead to
sign the book. However, his mother stops him and admonishes him
saying, "Wait till the nun signs Shelly!"
W H Y C O P S H A T E Y O U <<<<&l <
-if you have to ask get out of the way-
Have you ever been stopped by a traffic cop and, while he was
writing a ticket or giving you a warning, you got the feeling that
he would just love to yank you out of the car, right through the
window, and smash your face into the front fender?...