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The Wise College Student Is Thinking Now About Getting To Campus--to Get Acclimated, To Get Organized And To Get A Parking Space.
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The wise college student is thinking now about getting to campus--to get
acclimated, to get organized and to get a parking space.
This reminds me of a story that a former roommate related to me.
In college he and a group of friends got revenge on complete strangers....
You know your getting old when. . . ** There are three signs of old age.
The first is your loss of memory, and the other two I forget....
What do you get if you take an elephant into the city? Free parking.
Cool Things About Having An Affair With The President 10.
At your request, nuclear launch code changed to "90210" 9....
BEFORE I CAME TO COLLEGE I WISH I HAD KNOWN... - that it didn't matter how late I scheduled my first class I'd sleep right through it - that I would change so much and barely realize it - that you can love a lot of people in a lot of different ways - that college kids throw airplane
oo - that if you wear polyester everyone will ask you why you're so dressed up - that every clock on campus shows a different time - that if you were smart in high school - so what?...
Scene: Student and instructor are on a dual, night cross country.
Instructor: Turns down the panel lights, "OK, you've just lost your lights, what are you going to do?...
15 things that SEX and PARKING SPACES share in commo
1. You should never have to wait to find one 2. You should be able to slide right into one 3....
100 Ways to Confuse Your Roommate 1. Insist that you are a vegetarian and protest anytime your roommate eats meat.
Then leave "Slim Jim" wrappers on the floor and lie on the bed holding your stomach everytime your roommate walks in....
Before I Went To College I Wish I Had Known: That it didn't matter how late I scheduled my first class, I'd sleep through it anyway.
That I could change so much and barely realize it....