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Laser Effects, Mirrored Balls -- John Williams Must Be Rolling Around In His Grave.
Fortune Cookies
Homer Simpson
Laser effects, mirrored balls -- John Williams must be rolling around
in his grave.
-- Homer Simpson
The Springfield Connection
Marge: Aren't you glad we got out of the house and came downtown for a little culture?
Homer: Peh. They're butchering the classics. Could that bassoon have come in any more late?...
Mmm...incapacitating. -- Homer Simpson The Springfield Connectio
Marge, you being a cop makes you the man! Which makes me the woman -- and I have no interest in that, besides occasionally wearing the underwear, which, as we discussed, is strictly a comfort thing.
-- Homer Simpson The Springfield Connectio...
Number One: Homer Simpson, for your continuing and baffling desecration of our beloved sacred parchment, you are hereby banished from the stonecutters forever.
And as a final humiliation, you must walk home naked, dragging behind you the Stone of Shame....
Herman: [ominous] Advance on him, men. Marge: [appearing at the garage door] I don't think that's a very good idea.
Crony: Oh no, it's Gloria Vanderbilt out for revenge!...
Oh, the young man you replaced is rolling over in his grave. -- Apu, "Lisa's Pony
Must destroy mankind! (His watch alarm goes off) Ooh, lunchtime!
-- Homer Simpson Homer Goes To College...
But first, E.T., phone Homer -- Simpson, that is. Local man, Homer Simpson, shown here with his tongue stuck to a lamppost, has given us this videotape.
-- Those damn file photos..., "The Springfield File...
Boy, when Marge first told me she was going to the Police Academy, I thought it's be fun and exciting, like the movie `Spaceballs.
' But instead, it's been painful and disturbing, like the movie `Police Academy....