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Well, I Acquired It Legally, You Can Be Sure Of That.
Fortune Cookies
Homer Simpson
Well, I acquired it legally, you can be sure of that.
-- Homer Simpson
Treehouse of Horror VI
Marge: [walking in] Homer! Where did you get that?
Homer: [pause] Get what? Marge: That giant donut. Home...
Come here, you little raven! -- Homer Simpson Treehouse of Horro
Um, it's like, uh ... did anyone see the movie `Tron'?
-- Homer Simpson Treehouse of Horror VI...
That's weird. It's like something out of that twilighty show about that zone.
-- Homer Simpson Treehouse of Horror VI...
Homer: I suppose you want to probe me. Well, you might as well get it over with.
Kang: Stop! We have reached the limits of what rectal probing can teach us....
Homer: Man, this place looks expensive. I feel like I'm wasting a fortune just standing here.
[scratches and looks around] Well, better make the most of it....
Troy: [voiceover] When Homer sold his soul for a donut, he found Hell isn't all it's cracked up to be in these never-before broadcast scenes.
[a demon selects Homer's head from several and grips it] [he rolls it down an alley as Homer's head screams] [it hits the spiked pins and breaks open, revealing a note...
Listen, you big, stupid space-creature. Nobody, but nobody, eats the Simpsons!
-- Homer Simpson Treehouse of Horro...
He gets it from your side of the family, you know. No monsters on my side.
-- Homer Simpson Treehouse of Horror II...