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There Is An Old Warty Frog Here. He Says, "Help Will Safe You!
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There is an old warty frog here. He says, "Help will safe you!"
There is an old warty frog here. He says, "This is your third time time in this room! Ribbit!
A man gets on a train with his little boy, and gives the conductor only one ticket.
How old's your kid?" the conductor says, and the father says "He's four years old....
A man fell off a mountain and, as he fell, saw a branch and grabbed for it.
By superhuman effort he was able to get a precarious grip on it....
A man fell off a mountain and, as he fell, saw a branch and grabbed for it.
By superhuman effort he was able to get a precarious grip on it....
Your government is here to help you.........NOT!!!!!!!!
A blind man comes into a drugstore and starts knocking things off the shelf with his cane.
The owner says, "Can I help you?" He says, "No, thanks, just looking." -- Gallaghe...
Once upon a time there was a beautiful young girl taking a stroll through the woods.
All at once she saw an extremely ugly bull frog seated on a log and to her amazement the frog spoke to her....
Do you need help getting out of here?
I'm from the IRS, and I'm here to help you.