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Forget About The Question Of Just Who Wears The Trousers In Your Household.
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Forget about the question of just who wears the trousers in your
-- More things to do as preparation for life as a mermaid.
Forget about the problem of ingrowing toenails. -- Forty-two things to do as preparation for life as a mermaid.
Don't worry about ladders in your stockings. -- Forty-two things to do as preparation for life as a mermaid.
See a psychiatrist about your hydrophobia. -- Forty-two things to do as preparation for life as a mermaid.
Stop worrying about your varicose veins. -- Forty-two things to do as preparation for life as a mermaid.
Write to your local council complaining about the lack of mermaid ramps on public buildings.
-- Forty-two things to do as preparation for life as a mermaid....
Make a small scene outside a seafood restaurant. Accuse them of sauteeing your best friend.
Glare at everyone who comes out. -- More things to do as preparation for life as a mermaid....
Don't trust seagulls to explain anything. It's a *fork*, and don't forget it.
-- Forty-two things to do as preparation for life as a mermaid....
Ask your cosmetics company if they have any make-up that is waterproof and not tested on laboratory fish.
-- More things to do as preparation for life as a mermaid....
Buy a goldfish bowl and fill it up. Stick your head in it for practice.
The goldfish are optional. -- More things to do as preparation for life as a mermaid....