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Monroe: Hello, I'm Doctor Marvin Monroe, No Doubt You Recognize Me From TV.
Fortune Cookies
The Simpsons
Monroe: Hello, I'm Doctor Marvin Monroe, no doubt you recognize me from
Lisa: We would if we had one.
-- "There's No Disgrace Like Home"
Homer: Now look... You know and I know this family needs help, professional help.
So I've made us an appointment with Dr. Marvin Monroe....
Whoa! Okay, so you want to kill each other. That's good, that's healthy.
There's nothing necessarily wrong with hostile conflict....
Monroe: This is what's known as aversion therapy. When someone hurts you emotionally, you will hurt them physically, and gradually you will learn not to hurt each other at all!
And won't that be wonderful Homer? Home...
TV: All-star Boxing was brought to you by "Doctor Marvin Monroe's Family Therapy Center".
[Dr. Marvin Monroe waves.] Wife: Honey, aren't you going to work today?...
Homer: Wait a minute, these mallet things are padded with foam rubber.
What's the point? Bart: They work much better without the padding, Doc....
Monroe: Everyone comfy? Hmmph, good. Now don't touch any of those buttons in front of you for a very important reason.
I.e., You are wired in to the rest of your family....
Honey, I've given this matter a lot of study, and of all the commercials I saw, his was the best.
-- Homer suggests the family see Dr. Marvin Monroe, "There's No Disgrace Like Home...
Burns: Doctor, what should we do about our freewheeling fop over here?
Monroe: Well, Monty, it used to be that establishing a patient's sanity took months....
Homer: All right, time for a family meeting. [shuts off the TV] Lisa
Why can't we have a meeting when <you're> watching TV? -- "There's No Disgrace Like Home...