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Some Things Are So Snazzy They Never Go Out Of Style!
Fortune Cookies
The Simpsons
Some things are so snazzy they never go out of style!
Like tail fins... And bubble domes... And shag carpeting...
-- Homer, designing a car, "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?"
Advisor: What about a separate soundproof bubble-dome for the kids with optional restraints and muzzles?
Homer: Bullseye! -- designing a car, "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?...
I want a horn here, here, and here. You can never find a horn when you're mad.
And they should all play `La Cucaracha'. -- Homer, designing a car, "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?...
She did things your mother would never do. Like have sex for money.
-- Grampa, remembering an affair, "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?...
Hello, cook? Sorry to bother you so late, but I got a hankering for some.
.. That's right. Don't forget the applesauce! -- Homer, on the phone late at night, "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?...
Herb: I want you to help me design a car. A car for all the Homer Simpsons out there!
And I want to pay you two hundred thousand dollars a year!...
All my life, I have searched for a car that feels a certain way.
Powerful like a gorilla, yet soft and yielding like a Nerf ball....
Herbert: Hey Homer, how's your car coming? Homer: Oh, fine.
They were putting in an onboard something-or-other and rack-and-peanut steering....
Bart+Lisa: Are we there yet? Homer: Just a little further!
Bart+Lisa: Are we there yet? Homer: Just a little fur....
Holy moly, the bastard's rich! -- Homer, seeing his brother's mansion, "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?