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Homer: Everybody Ready? Bart: I Hate This. I Don't Want To Go.
Fortune Cookies
The Simpsons
Homer: Everybody ready?
Bart: I hate this. I don't want to go.
Homer: That's the spirit!
-- Going camping, "Call of the Simpsons"
Ready or not, Nature, here we come!
-- Homer takes the family camping, "Call of the Simpso...
Bart: The Flanders are a bunch of geeks, man. Home
The Flandereses are not geeks! -- OK, Rod and Todd are, and the wife has a thing for me, but she hides it behind a mask of low- key hostility -- but we've gotta give this thing a chance!...
What are we going to do, hang ourselves?
-- Bart watches Homer build a trap out of a young sapling, "Call of the Simpso...
Are we there yet?
-- Bart wanders with Homer aimlessly through the woods, "Call of the Simpso...
Homer: Don't you have something that isn't out of my price range?
I don't want to go away empty-handed, Bob. Bob...
Woman: I'm not going to press charges, but I assume you'll want to punish him.
Homer: 'Preciate the suggestion, lady, but he hates that....
Marge: You are going to stay here and explain to Bart why you scarred him for life.
Homer: No, I didn't! I ... Oh, you mean inside, don't you. -- "War of the Simpso...
Marge: Oh Homer... What are we going to do? Homer: Now, don't worry.
Our situation isn't as bad as it seems. And you're forgetting---I'm an experienced woodsman!...
Homer: Where do you think you're going? Lisa: To the game.
Homer: No no no. I don't want you to see me sit on my worthless butt....