Grammar and Spelling Troubles
from the "Metropolitan Diary" section of the NY TIMES, 1/4/99
Clara Greenspan was watching a program on innovative school
programming in Texas on Channel 13 one Sunday evening in late
November. As one educator was interviewed, he was identified
on the screen as School Superintendant Muntildeoz. Write
Superintendent 100 times.
Along the same lines, Ian Murphy reports that the writers of
the news zipper at Avenue of the Americas and 48th Street might
learn something from the maxim of the pot and the kettle. He
recalls that in early December the ribbon relayed a story razzing
Texas for having to destroy several thousand books because of
poor spelling and grammar. The next story involved Iraq's
importing Viagra even though "its" made in the United States,
and the item after that was about the "vigrous
defense" made by President Clinton's lawyers.