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Q: Which Is Better, Dolly Pardon's Bra Or Princess Di's Douchebag?
Short Jokes
Questions and Answers
Q: Which is better, Dolly Pardon's bra or Princess Di's douchebag?
A: The latter: A royal flush always beats a pair.
quot;OK, welcome to Heaven Lady Di!", said St.
Peter. Dolly was taken back aghast, "But what about *THESE*?...
Dolly Parton and Princess Di both die on the same day.
They both end up at the gates to heaven, however, heaven is too full and there is only room for one of them until they finish the new wing....
Once upon a time there was a sperm named Stanley who lived inside a famous movie actor.
Stanley was a very healthy sperm. He'd do pushups and somersaults and limber himself up all the time, while the other sperm just lay around on their fat asses not doing a thing....
Dolly Parton and Princess Di died, and both of them arrived at the Pearly Gates simultaneously.
St. Peter told them, "Our computer is down right now, so we can only take one person right now....
A small Indian brave walks up to his grandfather and ask
"Grandfather, how do we Indians get our names?" "Well my son, the baby is named for an event that happened on the day baby is conceived....
Q: How come Dolly Pardon has such small feet? A: Things don't grow well in the shade.
Q: How can you spot Dolly Pardon's children in a crowd?
A: They're the ones with the stretch marks on their lips....
Always flush the toilet three times.
Wow did Dolly parton get two black eyes? She went jogging and forgot to wear a bra.