Bart: Just a minute, van Houten. Somebody needs to guard this
place at night so it doesn't get trashed. [offers a cap and
baton] How'd you like to be night watchman?
Milhouse: I'm sleepy.
Bart: Ah, no problemo. Here's a nickel for the coffee machine.
[hands a nickel over and leaves]
[Milhouse deposits the nickel in the machine. It dispenses a
cup, then a rat, then some coffee]
Milhouse: [sips from the cup] So this is my life. At least I've done
better than Dad.
-- The scary part is, he's right, "Homer's Enemy"
Bart: you ever worry that your mom might stop loving
Milhouse: What? I'm more worried about pirhanas. Did you see that
movie where they send a nuclear submarine to fight the
pirhanas, and one of them swims right down the periscope and
bites the guy in the eye, and he goes, "Aah!...