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Attention Homer Simpson. You Have Been Promoted. You Are Now An Executive.
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The Simpsons
Attention Homer Simpson. You have been promoted. You are now an
executive. Take three minutes to say good-bye to your former friend and
report to room 503 for reassignment to a better life.
-- Smither's PA announcement, "Simpson and Delilah"
Jacques: First, you must get to know your lane. Feel the slickness, feel the slippery finish.
Caresses it, experience it. Quite smooth, isn't it?...
Burns: I'm giving you your old job back. Homer: Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!
Burns: Now get out of here before I reconsider. Home...
Smithers: [over P.A.] Attention Homer Simpson. Attention Homer Simpson.
Homer: [still dozing at his post] Smithers: Wake up, Homer....
Some nerve, telling us how to run the plant. He doesn't even have hair!
-- Executive watches Homer's presentation, "Simpson and Delilah...
Friends, you have come to depend on me as your safety watchdog.
So you won't scrape yourself, or stub your toes, or blow yourselves up....
Homer: Welcome to the Simpson residence or "casa de Simpson," as I call it.
Grimes: Yeah, what did you want to see me about, Simpson?...
Well, your resume [pronounced ree-zoom] seems good enough.
.. -- Homer interviews for a secretary, "Simpson and Delilah...
Mrs. Lovejoy: Bye. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Thank you for choosing our church.
Bye-bye. Bart: [looking at Jessica] I've never felt this way about a girl before....
Worker: Quit complaining, chrome-dome. Homer: D'oh!
If I had hair, you wouldn't be calling me that! -- "Simpson and Delilah...