Two Chinese women were sitting in a bar when they saw two guys fighting over
which culture is smartest. When the women heard this they went over and the
first lady said," We know a way to figure out which culture is the
The second lady answered, "Yes we do. The way you figure it out is by
seeing which culture uses the less utensils in eating." The men quickly
agreed to listen to the women.
The first lady said," Well the Indians use their hands to eat but their
hands have five fingers each so they use ten utensils to eat. They aren't the
smartest so next come the Americans. They use a fork but there are four tongs on
the fork, so they use four utensils. Now come the Chinese. We use chopsticks and
there are only two sticks so we are the smartest."
As the lady finished the men sat puzzled for a second then agreed that
Chinese were the smartest.
As they left, the second lady said to the first, "That was a good way to
get a date and them thinking that we are the smartest."
That teaches us that Chinese are the smartest culture.