These were stolen from
It says this kind of
thievery was quite common, so I take it it's ok for me to put it here.
Nudist Taglines
A Bit O'Humor
In the olden days, 2-3 years ago, a "tagline" was a one-line message
that was attached to e-mail, primarily used at private Bulletin Boards
The idea behind a tagline is to tell an entire story, joke, or
express a philosophy in not more than one line. These taglines are from
the Daily Sun (Nudist) BBS (now closed) that Rick operated from
1993-1996. Rick thanks everyone whose taglines he stole! By the way:
tagline thievery was common practice among BBS'ers.
Today, taglines have evolved into "signature blocks." They've become
bloated, and can ramble on for 1/2 of the message. An art form has been
lost... (sigh)
"On the fourth day of
telecommuting, I realized that "If it's so dirty to be naked, why
clothes are totally unnecessary." do we get naked to get clean?"
-- Dilbert -- Bryan Maloney
I've got a brand NUDE attitude! You'll never catch a Nudist with
his pants down.
He who sleeps in the raw is in for
a NUDE awakening. Skin does not equal sin.
Most of the year, a Montana Nudist "Clothes make the man, but
is a Polar Bare. nakedness makes the human being."
-- Kevin Kearney
A flying saucer???!!
Naw. Some nudist just spilled his A harp is a nude piano.
A nudist is one who suffers from A smile is the sunshine that is a
clothes-trophobia. part of life.
A waist is a terrible thing to Adam to Eve -- "I'll wear the
mind. plants in this family."
Ain't nobody's business but my own. Algebra: What the Little Mermaid
Are Scottish Nudists Off Kilt-er? At a nude wedding, everybody can
see who the best man is.
Beaches are Free, but Nudist Behind every succesfull man is
Resorts have Cover Charges. woman with nothing to wear.
"Beauty when most unclothed is
clothed best." Beware of all enterprises that
-- Phineas Fletcher (English require new clothes.
Poet, 1582-1650)
Betazoid Wedding Dress - Can't beat Counselor Troi, please report to
the price. my room. Clothing optional.
...Born naked, wet and hungry Brian Hackett on Wings: "Think of
...and it gets worse!?? it as a country - Naked Land."
Buddhist nudists practices yoga Buffer: Programmer who works in
bare! the nude.
But you can't let her drive! She's Clothes were made to tell the
legally blonde! See??! difference between lawyers and
Curious how naked death is less D.A.M.N. (Naked Mothers Against
obscene than naked women. Dyslexia)
Do Nudist Resorts Clothes for the Everyone needs a place in the sun,
winter? especially when it rains.
First they take your money, then Floor: The place where you keep
your clothes. your clothes.
Keep abreast of developments: Greeting between two nudists:
Go to a nude beach. "Buffalo" (Buff-Hello!)
He who joins a nudist club pays a "Hehehe cool V.bis! Nudie .gifs!"
cover charge!! -- Baudhead
Hell's just had bad P.R. Now
I can type 10% faster in the nude. where's my 1,000,000 suntan
Home Safety Tip #1: Don't iron
whilst naked. How do nudists play Flag Football?
How do you tell a blind guy in a
nudist resort? It's not hard. I hate tanlines.
I hate tanlines. I don't have I seem to be outgrowing my
tanlines. Want to check it out? birthday suit.
I was naked when I wrote this... I'd give up women if they didn't
look so damn good naked...
I'd love to, but I left my body in I'm a natural blonde. See??!
my other clothes. Please speak slowly.
I'm as confused as a baby at a
topless bar. I'm not naked; I've got my hat on.
I'm completely nude under my Is this as much fun as you can
clothes. have with your clothes on?
If clothes make a man then what is If everyone were nude,
a nudist? there would be no war....
If God had for us to be nudists we If God had meant for us to be
would have been born that way. naked, we would be so born.
"If (the topless females) were
violating any other rules, like
If nudity was natural, we all would sitting on a subway bench topless
have been born naked. smoking a cigarette, then we would
take action!" -New York Transit
Little boy to little girl: Nudity was against everything Mom
"You can't touch it, you broke taught me. Guess what? Mom was
yours." wrong!
If you run out of underwear, you're If you want to hide your face,
streaking... walk naked.
It's hard to be serious when you're It's OK to wear the same thing
naked. every day: a smile.
Lesson #1, don't fry bacon in the Laundry: A place where clothes are
nude mangled.
Nude: Barefoot all over. "Nakedness is seldom seen but
often noticed." - Chinese proverb
Look for the girl with the sun in Make a bold fashion statement:
her eyes... Get Naked.
Naked Lunch - World Tour - 1995 Nature always sides with the
hidden flaw!
New-d callers use Georgia, New-d callers use The Daily Sun
Naturally! (Nudist) BBS... (Nudist) BBS...
Nudist investors favor a BARE Nudist Lifestyle: Nothing Ventured
market. Nothing Gained!
Nudist Timezones: Light, Dark, Nudist: "I'd give you the shirt
Hungry, Next Week off my back...."
Nudists always know where their Nudists are friendly:
towel is... When you wear only a smile you
smile a lot.
Nudists have more Sun... Nudists have no dirty laundry!
Nudists wear double-breasted Self Expression Is The Key To
Birthday Suits. Mental Health. Get naked now.
She was naked and then
&Zi?#+n*E#|2+A= NO CARRIER Sharewear (n.) -- Used clothing.
Silk was invented so that women Skyclad dancing to the beat of the
could go naked in clothes drum.
So, who's the dummy that invented
clothes? Sun your buns; do it nude!
Sun your buns. Parking Lot G. Sandy Surf naked; sharks hate to peel
Hook, New Jersey. their food...
Tagless messages just look naked Terminator bumper sticker:
Trick Question: In what state were
you born? .....(Answer): Nude. The nude man fears no pickpockets!
The only red menace left in America They're laughing and having fun,
is sunburn. they MUST be up to something!
Under that black robe, is the judge Underneath all these clothes I am
nude? completely naked!
4-Letter obscenities for nudists:
"COLD" "Very funny, Scotty. Now, BEAM
What George really said: "Read my When a New Yorker looks as if he's
lips, no nude Texans" suntanned, it's probably rust.
What should you give a nudist for
Christmas? "Which of these would look best on
What CAN you get a nudist for me naked?" -- Lwaxanna
Why are new nudists called
"Cottontails?" Yogi Bare was a Buddhist Nudist.
You are never fully dressed until You can always tell a nudist by
you wear a smile. the one-button suits they wear!
You don't have to be skinny to You never outgrow your birthday
enjoy skinny-dipping. suit.
Non-Nudists are involved in The Bare Family: Momma Bare, Poppa
cover-ups!! Bare, and Baby Bare.
...# May All Your Children Be Born The Best thing to wear every day
Naked #... is a smile.
The Emperor is STILL naked. Nudists wear double-breasted
birthday suits.
SANS REUNION TOUR '96 Farvergnaked: Nude German Driver.
"Take off all your clothes and walk
down the street waving a machete
and firing a Uzi, and terrified My parents told me "wear clothes".
citizens will phone the police and They also said "Santa Clause comes
report: "There's a naked person down the chimney"
outside!" --Mike Nichols
"Now you see it, now you don't..." "What spirit is so empty and
"Now you see it, now you don't..." blind, that it cannot recognize
"Now you see it, now you don't..." the fact that the foot is more
......said the nudist, rolling down noble than the shoe, and skin more
the hill... beautiful than the garment with
-The Benny Hill Show which it is clothed?"
-- Michaelangelo