Hello, my name is Basmati Kasaar. I am suffering from rare and
deadly diseases, poor scores on final exams, extreme virginity, fear
of being kidnapped and executed by anal electrocution, and guilt for
not forwarding out 50 billion fucking chain letters sent to me by
people who actually believe that if you send them on, then that poor
6 year old girl in Arkansas with a breast on her forehead will be
able to raise enough money to have it removed before her redneck
parents sell her off to the travelling freak show. Do you honestly
believe that Bill Gates is going to give you and everyone you send
"his" email to $1000? How stupid are you? Ooooh, lookyhere! If I
scroll down this page and make a wish, I'll get laid by every Playboy
model in the magazine! What a bunch of bullshit. So basically, this
message is a big FUCK YOU to all the people out there who have
nothing better to do than to send me stupid chain mail forwards.
Maybe the evil chain letter leprechauns will come into my apartment
and sodomize me in my sleep for not continuing the chain which was
started by Jesus in 5 A.D. and was brought to this country by midget
pilgrims on the Mayflower and if it makes it to the year 2000, it'll
be in the Guinness Book of World Records for longest continuous
streak of blatant stupidity.
Fuck them.
If you're going to forward something, at least send me something
mildly amusing. I've seen all the "send this to 50 of your closest
friends, and this poor, wretched excuse for a human being will
somehow receive a nickel from some omniscient being" forwards about
90 times. I don't fucking care. Show a little intelligence and think
about what you're actually contributing to by sending out forwards.
Chances are it's your own unpopularity.
P.S. Please forward this to at least 50 of your best friends!