Test Yourself for Music Addiction
Playing music seems to have become our "drug of choice". . In case you are
wondering if you have a music dependency problem, you might want to the
following self-test.
What are the signs of Musicolism?
The MD (Music Dependency) Self Test
Here is a self-test to help you review the role music plays in your life.
These questions incorporate many of the common symptoms of musicolism.
This test is intended to help you determine if you or someone you know
needs to find out more about musicolism; it is not intended to be used to
establish the diagnosis of musicolism.
1.____ ____ Do you ever indulge heavily when you are disappointed,
under pressure or have had a quarrel with someone?
2.____ ____ Can you handle more music now than when you first started
to play?
3.____ ____ Does your spouse or significant other resent your music?
4.____ ____ When playing with other people, do you try to get in few
extra licks?
5.____ ____ Do you sometimes feel uncomfortable when music is not
6.____ ____ Are you in more of a hurry to get your first tune of the
day than you used to be?
7.____ ____ Do you sometimes feel a little guilty about your music?
8.____ ____ Has a family member or close friend ever expressed concern
or complained about your playing?
9.____ ____ Do you avoid parties or gatherings where you can't play music?
10.____ ____ Do you sometimes have memory blackouts about tune names?
11.____ ____ Do you often want to continue playing after your friends say
they've had enough?
12.____ ____ Do you ever find yourself spending money on music that was
budgeted for something else?
13.____ ____ Do you usually have a reason for occasions when you play
14.____ ____ Have you tried switching instruments or changing styles to
control your music habit?
15.____ ____ Have you sometimes failed to keep promises you made to
yourself about controlling or cutting down on your playing?
16.____ ____ Do you try to avoid family or close friends while you're
17.____ ____ Do you think about music while you're at work?
18.____ ____ Does your involvement in music create financial, work, school
and/or family problems ?
19.____ ____ Do you eat very little or irregularly while you are playing
20.____ ____ Do wake up in the morning with a tune in your head or
thinking about the next opportunity to play music?
21.____ ____ Do you sometimes attend events where you play music
for several days at a time?
22.____ ____ After periods of playing music do you sometimes hear tunes
although no one is playing?
23.____ ____ Do you keep hidden instruments at home or work?
23.____ ____ Have you ever gone to anyone for help about your music?
24.____ ____ Do you ever feel depressed or anxious, before, during or
after periods of heavy music indulgence?
A "yes" answer indicates you may be at greater risk for musicolism. More
than one "yes" answer may indicate the presence of a music-related problem
or musicolism, and the need for consultation with musicolism professional.
Maybe we should start a support group.