ThInGs GuRLs CaN SaY...
*don't hate me cause im beautiful,
hate me cause ur boyfriend thinks so!*
*east to the sea,
west to the land.
death to the bitch,
who touches my man!*
*if u need a nickel,
i'll give u a dime.
if u need a man,
bitch, don't fuck with mine!*
*roses are red,
violets are blue.
god made me beautiful,
what happened to u?!*
*god created men first
cause u always need a rought draft,
before the masterpiece!*
*god loves stupid peope,
thats why he made so many men!*
*only good gurls go to heaven,
i wasn't invited!*
*sex is like pringles,
once u pop,
u can't stop!*
*children is the dark,
causes accidents.
accidents in the dark,
causes children!*
*i have pms and a gun,
now what were u saying?!*
ThInGs FoR bOiS tO sAy...
*its not the size of the boat,
its the motion of the ocean!*
*do u believe in love at first sight,
or do u need to walk past me again?!*
*loves a sensation,
caused by temptation.
a guy sticks his location,
in a gurls destination.
to increase the population,
of the next generation.
do u understand my explanation,
or do u need a demostration?!*
*don't drink and drive,
u might go over a bump
and drop ur beer!*
*god gave me brains and a penis
and only a lil bit of blood.
i can only work one at a time!*
*if guys got a period,
they would brag about
the size of there tampons!*
*roses are red,
apples are sour.
open ur legs,
i'll show u some power!*
*im just like fred flintstone.
i can make ur bedrock!*
NoW wErEn'T tHoSe FuN?!
NoW u MuSt SeNd ThIs To...
0- no one will ever love u!
1-5- u will get a kiss from ur crush!
6-10- u will get some tongue from ur crush!
11-15- u and ur crush will make out!
16- 20- u will date ur crush!
21 and up- u will have sex with ur boifriend/gurlfriend
and be together for a long time (lucky u)