Creation Science
One day a group of scientists got together and decided that man had
come a long way and no longer needed G-d. So they picked one
scientist to go and tell Him that they were done with Him.
The scientist walked up to G-d and said, "G-d, we've decided that we
no longer need you. We're to the point that we can clone people and
do many miraculous things, so why don't you just go on and get lost."
G-d listened very patiently to the man. After the scientist was done
talking, G-d said, "Very well, how about this? Let's say we have a
man-making contest." To which the scientist replied, "Okay, great!"
But G-d added, "Now, we're going to do this just like I did back in
the old days with Adam." The scientist said, "Sure, no problem"
and bent down and grabbed himself a handful of dirt.
G-d looked at him and said, "No, no -- you go get your own dirt."