Jewish Oscars 5760 (March 2000)
Getting the jump on the Oscars this weekend are the "Irvings", awarded
for excellence in Jewish movies this week in Miami Beach at the Rascal
House. The Early Bird will be canceled that night.
The following have been nominated:
The Six Cents: 3 Jews each put in their 2 cents worth
Goy Story 2: Jewish man divorces a shiksa, marries another
Isn't She Gevaldik: Yeshiva boys read Jacqueline Susann
Supernova: Space scientists discover powerful strains of lox
Snow Falling on Seders: Unexpected storm disrupts Passover
Angela's Kashas: Woman reveals secret recipe
Girls, Interrupted: Women's section of shul shushed during davening
Stuart Ladle: Mouse makes chicken soup on Shabbos
The Seder House Rules: Zadie lays down the law on Pesach
The Talmudic Mr. Ripley: Believe it or not, he knows gemorah