You Might Be a Jewish Redneck If ...
You think that marrying your first cousin is not only permitted, but
biblically mandated
Your home is mobile and your sukkah ain't
You have a gun rack in your sukkah
your idea of Shalosh Seidos is a six pack of beer and some Redman
Ad Lo Yoda applies just about every night.
You think KKK is a kosher symbol
You speak more English than your shul president
You light Shabbat candles from your cigarette
The only plant in your home is your lulav
The only area on your lawn that is mowed is the spot where you burn your Chametz
Your idea of bathing is using the mikvah
Your siddur lists the Sabbath greeting as : "Shabbot Shalom Y'all"
Your Shabbat suit was a blue light special at K-mart
Willie Nelson sang at your Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Your local scribe shoots his own parchment
You've ever used the theme to "Rawhide" as a tune for the Kedusha
You've ever fired a shotgun at the sound of Haman's name
Your belt buckle is bigger than your Yarmulke
You give Ma'aser from your spittoon
A tish just ain't a tish without a bugzapper
You've ever called the "Psychic Friends Network" to answer a halachic question
When you hear the shofar on Rosh Hashanah, you let your hunting dogs loose
You know what Barach to make when you see a UFO
Your Rabbi ever yelled "Yee-Haw" during his sermon
You think the mechitza is an Italian food
You think a hora is a high priced call girl
You keep a can of spray paint in your Tallis bag
You wear a white hood for Havdallah
You know which brand of grits have an acceptable Kashrut supervision
If your Omer counting calendar has ever come up with three cherries in a row