Monika, Oy Monika
(to the tune of "Chanukah, Oh Chanukah")
Monika, Oy Monika (Monica, oh Monica)
A meydl, a sheyne (A pretty girl)
G'arbet in Vashington (Worked in Washington)
Af a shtele, a kleyne (At a minor position (job))
Gelibt zikh mit der prezident (Fell in love with the President)
Fartsaylt ale fraynt (Told all her friends)
Shpringt aroys di sonim (Out sprang the enemies)
Zey plugn im biz haynt (Hounding him, up until today)
Monika. Oy Monika (Monica, oh Monica)
Vos vet zayn der sof (What will be the end?)
Ven djurnalistn, senatorn (When journalists, senators)
Esen der prezident oyf (Are devouring the President)
Zey hobn keyn derekherets (They have no 'derech eretz' (proper
Hypocriten tog un nakht (Hypocrites, day and night)
Zey veln nisht uplozn (They will not let go)
Biz zey varfen im arop fun makht (Until they bring him
down from power)
Monika, Oy Monika (Monica, oh Monica)
A yidishe tokhter (A Jewish daughter)
Arayn in geshikhte (Is in the story)
S'is nisht keyn gelakhter (It's not funny)
Efsher kumt ir take 'mazl tov' (Maybe she does deserve a
mazel tov)
Zi iz gevorn aza (She's become such a star)
Ober ven ikh batrakht zikh: (But when I think it over,)
(Close, but no cigar)
Monika, Oy Monika (Monica, oh Monica)
Es shaynt di menoyr (The menorah is lit)
Es dermant mikh ver ikh bin (It reminds me of who I am)
Shtoltz bin ikh mit mayn toyre (I am proud of my Torah)
Ober in dayn shtub (But in your abode)
Ven es shaynt azoy sheyn (When it shines out so beautifully)
Ikh shrek zikh tsu klern (I'm afraid to think)
Vi dos likhtl iz shoyn geveyn (Where that candle has been)