~From: k-hamer@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (hamer kenneth l)
~Newsgroups: alt.sysadmin.recovery
~Subject: Re: Setting up new area
dgware@omni.voicenet.com (Don Ware) writes:
>Hey. I'm actually a responsible person asking how to get a new area set
>I've heard it can be done but haven't found the answer.
That's good. We wouldn't want any irresponsible people setting up new
First, you need to decide how big an area you need. Small areas are easy,
because there are many small spaces available behind dumpsters or under
stairwells. However, to find a large area you will have to either set up in
an undesirable region or aquire space from others. This is often done
through a lease, but if you have enough funds you can purchase space from
others for your area. If you have enough resources, you can just take the
space you need for your area, like Iraq did with Kuwait.
Then you need to decide what to put in your area. I'm partial to houses,
but a theme park is always good. Avoid shopping malls, there are too many.
For small areas an espresso stand will work, or perhaps just a bean bag
chair to sit on.
If it is to be a private area, then you can stop there. Otherwise, you need
to let others know about your area. There are many possibilities here, but
I suggest by telling your friends.
Please do not distribute this information. If any irresponsible person off
the Usenet knew how to set up an area, then we'd be in trouble.
Remember: You can never be too vague when describing a problem. Sysadmins
are all psychic anyway.