This is from (Travis Low):
As the kind of person who compulsively reads everything, I had no choice. I
had to read that silica gel packet. It said:
Butir pengering disimpan selalu bersama barang yang dihindarkan
dari perusakan hawa lembab separti obat, bahan kimia, alat
elektronik dan makanan kering. Meski tak beracun ja ngan dimakan.
Not even remotely Indo-European. I think. So I turned the packet over, and
lo! English. Finally I would know what the silica gel dessicant was to be
used for:
For method of moisture proof packaging is grain dryer always put
with goods which are kept from damage and humidity such as drugs,
chemical stuff, electronic equipment, dry food etc. Not poisonous
but do not eat.
Ahh, it's all clear to me now.