Newsgroups: bit.listserv.nuts
Subject: real life story
Date: 07 Feb 1993 21:09:00 -0500 (EST)
I'm a bio major at IUP (Indiana University of Pennsylvania) and was taking
a cell biology course my freshman year. Our task of the day was examining
epitheleal cheek cells under a microscope. We had to scrape the inside of
our mouth with a toothpick and make a slide from it and id the different
types of cells that were found. One girl in the class (a rather well built
sorority gal, which is why I sat next to her) was having some trouble
identifing some cells. She called the prof. over to ask him. After a moment
or two of peering in her scope, he looked up, and said in a loud voice,
"Those are sperm cells."
The girl turned bright red and ran out of the room. Needless to say, she
dropped the class. (Although I spent two weeks looking for her, I never did
see her again.) Such is life :)